We are committed to continually improving MX for a better business file-sharing experience.

Check back here for the latest update notes, or follow us on social media to receive these updates live.

Any questions? Contact us here.

May 2024

  • Forward behavior now available on all transactions for the original sender of the data.
  • Remember me option for MFA.
  • Activity page remembers any filters you have applied in the current session.
  • Bug fix on load of Activity page.
  • Bug fix on Distributions.
  • Made backup codes easier to understand and use.

March 2024

  • Improved handling of special characters in zip files
  • Performance improvements for the encryption phase
  • Improved handling of blacklisted filetypes inside zip files
  • Security updates
  • Updates to API data feed
  • Simplified pages for MFA setup/support

December 2023

  • Improvements to mobile experience when entering MFA codes
  • Database optimization for performance improvements
  • Improvements to service load times in MX+
  • Improvements to PDF export handling

August 2023

  • Mobile optimization across MX
  • API update – field additions

July 2023

  • Added ability to reset MFA status at user level
  • EULA updated
  • MFA setup default setting at login
  • Additional logging/reporting for troubleshooting

June 2023

  • New website launch
  • Free trial capability introduced
  • Ecommerce capabilities launched

May 2023

  • Maintenance page updates
  • Library updates (core infrastructure)
  • Enhancements to API for customer data feed.

February 2023

  • Performance improvements

December 2022

  • MFA available for all MX / MX+ accounts
  • Improvement to file uploads for Distributions
  • Improvements to emails for Distributions

July 2022

  • Premium customers can opt for branded URL for their MX portal (i.e., CUSTOMER.mymxdata.com).
  • Premium customers can customize the login screen with their own branding.
  • Premium customers can customize buttons within the tool with their own branding.
  • Premium customers can customize MX notification emails with their branding and link to their corporate website.
  • Further main dashboard customization is available.

26th January 2022

  • Improvements to Linked Transactions process/interface.
  • Enhancements to improve large dataset handling (>100GB) and improve ZIP file handling.

24th November 2021

  • Recent users list is now dynamic to display more relevant recipients/participants.
  • Search tool is now enhanced to show more relevant recipients.

27th October 2021

  • (MX+) Data request form simplified – users can request data for/from different PLM systems from the same form, with more support from Majenta Data Services.
  • (MX+) Streamlined assignment of tickets.
  • (MX+) Ticket cancellation request workflow enhanced.

25th August 2021

Bulk user removal addedThis new functionality will allow more efficient governance of your user base.

  • MX admins can now remove lists of users in bulk.
  • This can be based on custom criteria (e.g., no longer active, left the business, project closed).
  • For MX admin users, this is available under ‘My team > Manage users’.

Bulk User Removal

21st June 2021

Transaction activity dashboardMX’s main dashboard now features a panel showing activity on your transactions (i.e., for which you are the sender.) Stay informed of recent comments, downloads, and forwards on your transactions.

Transaction Activity

Have you heard of MX Conversations?

MX now allows you to communicate about your data in the place where data is shared.

Share key details, clarifications, and next steps for your data, with your data. Conversations is a Premium feature.

View Full Features

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